Saturday 14 April 2012

Erasmus program


“Erasmus : changing lives, opening minds for 25 years”

Like we said in a presentation, we are in Denmark for an Erasmus program. You have to know that this years, Erasmus program celebrating in 25 years old ! For sure, you now this program : remember “L’auberge espagnole”, a French movie came out in the first years of the program.

L'auberge espagnole, taiser, Cédric Klapish, June 2002

History :

Erasmus program was created in 1987 with the Rome conference. At the beginning, only eleven countries participated to the program. The aim was to create exchange between student from European countries to study in foreign university during a period between 3 months and one year. It is the biggest program like this in Europe.

The program name’s come from Erasme (1465-1536), a humanist Dutch monk. This man traveled a lot in all Europe in order to discover cultures and more understanding humanity. The signification of ERASMUS now is “European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students”.


The most advantage of this program is that it exonerates you to paid scholar fees in the host university. So it allowed more students to leave their country and try new experience. Moreover, the Erasmus program offers a scholarship to all students participating. The amount depends on the scope of the life of the country of destination but rises to at least 100 Euros.

It allowed student to improve their foreign languages skills, leave in another European country, feeling to be European, make new friends, develop adaptability, their independence and also improve their employability.

From 1987 since now:

The first year, 3244 students participated from 11 different countries. In 25 years, the number of destination, activities and students participating never stop to increase. Now, 33 countries participate: 27 from the European Union but also Croatia, Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.

For the university year of 2011-2012, more than 250 000 students will benefit of Erasmus program. We are more than 3 million since the beginning !!!

The favourites destinations are Spain, France, United-Kingdom, Germany and Italy. But the first leaving countries are also Spain, France , Germany Italy and… Poland.

European government view : 


25 years old of Erasmus program,

  • José Manuel Baroso, European commission president :
“The impact of Erasmus are extraordinary, not only for students but for all the European economy. Because it supports quality education and modernization of higher education, because it strengthens the ties between academia and employers, this program helps us to bring supply and demand for skills. It also provides young people the confidence and skills required to work in another country, where they may find the right job, thus escaping the trap of geographical imbalance.”
  • Mrs. Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth :
"Erasmus is one of the great successes of the Union, one of our programs is the best known and most popular. Through exchanges, students extend their language skills and learn skills - such as adaptability - that improve their employment prospects. Erasmus also allows teachers and other members of the education to learn about the functioning of higher education abroad and bringing home the most interesting ideas. Applications for registration are exceedingly numerous in relation to resources available in many countries and is also one of the reasons why we have more opportunities to study and train abroad in the context the new program we are proposing for education, training and youth, Erasmus for all. "

Celebration of the 25 years old : 


The celebration had began the 30th of January in Brussels with a conference where the benefit and future of Erasmus program were discussed. For the first semester of 2012, Denmark is a presidency of European Union so organize a follow-up conference in Copenhagen on May the 9th. Each participating states make their own celebration in Erasmus university.

Future of the program ?

Since the university year 2004-2005, Erasmus program was extend in a new branch : Erasmus mundus, open to the entire world. The European Union have the ambition to multiplied by two the number of student (5 million people each year) that they can benefit of Erasmus program. This extend name is Erasmus for all.

Sources :
Erasmus conferences program
Erasmus celebrates 25 years !
Science mag : 25 years of Erasmus