Parity at work

 What is gender equality for Danish people ?

 The gender equality is the equality behind the law, the opportunities, and in terms of political and economic influence.

If you want know more about this subject, articles begins  at the bottom of the page !


“It is not the law creating this inequality, but rather the culture. So working with equality is not only a question of obtaining justice or reaching the same figures in the statistics, but a question of creating a culture, promoting the same opportunities for men and women, and creating a good life for both sexes.”

 Actual and future situation

According to the Global Gender Gap Report (World Economic Forum), in 2011, Denmark was the 7th country in the world for Gender balance after Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Ireland and New Zealand. France was classified 48th.This study try to define all fields where it can be difference between men and women, quantify it and classify each country in function of its performances.

You can find below various data from this document.

Economic participation and Opportunity
Educational Attainment
Health and Survival
Political empowerment

Now we will see in more detailed, each field.

Educational attainment


Educational attainment of Denmark, Global Gender Gap Report of 2011, World Economic Forum

Over the past two decades, women have increased their educational level and they have also reached and exceeded the men level in tertiary education. From 1994 to 2006, so in 12 years, the rate of women acceding to master level increased from 36 to 47%. But they stay differences between studying field in function of a gender. Men work more on crafts and technical applications, and women on commercial and clerical sectors. So, in view of these data, we can say that Denmark possesses more qualified woman for leadership positions because they are predominantly present in the third cycle.

 Economic participation and opportunity

Economic participation and opportunity in Denmark, Global Gender Gap Report of 2011, World Economic Forum

As we said at the beginning, 70 to 71% of Danish women work. This fact explains the 4.5% of unemployment, a very low rate for a European country. So there are not any more differences between men and women about employment rate. Like in France, as some studies are preferred by women, other by men, we can observe some jobs typically occupied by women, other by men.

But gender balance between men and women is not perfect. Contrary as we can expect by the study level, the most part of responsibility post like directory, administration council… are occupied by men. Only 28% of the key posts are occupied by women. This number is increasing slowly year after year.

Of course, if there is difference in qualifying post, there is also difference in incomes. The difference is between 14 and 15% but can be 20% in responsible post. It depends if we take an average of incomes or for a same qualification and a same job. In 2008 spring, strikes movements resulted on the instauration of salary commission. Its aim is examined and finds solutions about unequal salaries. During the 1997-2006 periods, the difference can be explicated just for 70-80% (difference between qualification of the post and working time) according to the SFI, the Danish Social Research Center.

 Political empowerment

Political empowerment in Denmark, Global Gender Gap Report of 2012, World Economic Forum

On governmental places, Denmark is in advanced compared with its European neighbors but it still inequality. In their parliament, the Folketing, there are only 37% of women deputies. In 2007, they were 70 on 179 seats. Today, on 19 ministers, 7 are women. It is a relatively "good" figure when no quota is set for voters.

At home

According to a study realized in 1998, that they stay inequality in houses task. Little girls do a lot than boys. Boys between 7 and 15 years old spend half an hour per week to help in houses task, while girls spend 2 hours and quarter.
Resume of a Danish gender balance in 2011, Global Gender Gap Report of 2011, World Economic Forum



However, the situation should change in the future years. A study of the Aarhus School of Business, shows that Danish enterprises have engages itself in a process of equality men and women in terms of salary and carrier evolution. This politic attracts women and increase their time career in the same company. The increasing of qualified women permits a well development of this evolution. Moreover, it was proved that the salary the most satisfied about their manager is directed by women.

Sources :
EIROLine Women's wage still lower than men's

Danish equality policy

Saturday, the 13th of April 201

           In Denmark, gender equality is protected by law. First, they have one department and one ministry dedicated to sexual equality (Manu Sareen in the Danish Minister for Gender Equality). They have to promote and manage political decision in favour of the gender equality. In France, some candidates to the next presidential election like François Hollande purpose to create a ministry like this.
To complete the Gender equality ministry action, there is 4 principals text of law to protect the equality policy :
  • The act on equal pay, introduced in 1973 and modified in 2006
  • The act on equal treatment, introduced in 2006
  • The act on Gender Equality, introduced in 2002
  • The act on Equal Treatment of Women and Men in the Occupational Social Security Schemes, introduced in 1998.
Moreover, Denmark government participles to the CEDAW : Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women initiated by the United Nations. This program consist to reduce and make report regularly about gender equality in each participant country in order to see where are the most important point to improve.

So gender equality is a registered value in the eyes of a Danish legislation. Therefore, none quota is imposed about the employment in order to ensure the equality. Regarding the salary, industries have to justified difference between men and women since September 2009. At this date, the difference of salary was around 18% according to Presseurop !

              Like says in the precedent articles, Denmark have a very high nativity rate for an European country. But it doesn’t seem influenced on women employment.
  • In France, in case of birth, the father has the right to 3 days break and since 2001, it can be extended to 2 weeks. For mothers, it is 8 weeks obligatory and 16 weeks allowed.
  • In Denmark, the birth break is 54 weeks. 18 for a mother, 2 for a father and the remaining 32 weeks can be modulated between father and mother like they want.
You have to know that the minimum requested by European Union is 14 weeks break for mother only! So the birth policy in Denmark reduces the difference between men and movement and extends to reduce the problem of women birth break.

               Denmark have also a « flexible and secure » model. That their model economic works, they need an high employment rate so all the population is concerned: men and women. The expansion of teleworking is surely a reason to take into account to explain the high rate of female employment while admitting that it is rather made ​​by men.

Sources :
Presseurop of 7/01/2012

Women place in Danish history

Thursday, the 29th of March 2012

In Denmark, the women expansion become in the 20th century. In effect, they acquire vote’s right in 1915 (in France it was in 1944). In the same time, the Danish government put in place social and labour-market reforms allowed the protection of workers by the state.

During the World War II, Denmark was occupied by the Nazi which increased their industry. They needed workforce and employed women. Women no longer handled household tasks but became a true part of the economic motors of Denmark. After the end of the war, this employment allows Denmark to multiply its productivity and to become a rich society. Equality between men and women is most marked since the sixties.

In 2011, according to the Global gender gap report, Denmark were the 7th country in the world with the best equality ratio between Men and Women (France is on the 48th rank). You can see the next video about the result of this report.

Global Gender Gap Report presentation, The World Economic Forum,
Saadia Zahidi, Laura Liswood and Tian Wei, the 11st of January 2011

Sources :


 Monday, the 12nd of March 2012

After a little more than one month in Denmark, we can make an observation : the population is young. We can see a lot of young couple accompanied young children. It seems that the major part of the population dedicate a lot of time for the family. During week-end, parents go with their children to visit museums or make some other cultural activities. Father and mother, both are implicated in the children education. It is not rare to see a father running with a stroller.

In shops, we see a majority of women (bakery, clothing shop, pharmacies...). On the other hand, in supermarkets, there is a majority of men. In school, we just have one female teacher on 5. It seems that is a general proportion. However, men are under-represented in administration.

So, Denmark is a developed country but they have the biggest birth's index in Europe. People have children early, and be pregnant for woman or to have young children, should not be a problem for work.

Maybe man's and woman's employment is a same but it seems there is difference of sector and responsibilities.

Introduction to gender equality in Denmark

Sunday, the 4th of March 2012

During this stay in Denmark, we will try to observe and understand why this Scandinavian country is one of the most advanced on gender equality matters. The international picture of Denmark is that of country where inequality are very low, where men, women, immigrates, old, young, live in hegemony, in respect of each others. Does this image is true?

That is what we will try to check. In a first time, we will give our impression about the situation, on what we will see in the downtown. In second time, we will talk about women evolution in Danish society. Then, we will explain what is the Danish equality policy, what are the actual and future situations. We will see what Denmark think bring to the European Union during its presidency from January to June 2012.