Monday 27 February 2012

Copenhagen 1

This week-end, I (Pauline) went to Copenhagen with student from Angers. We lived Friday at 11am in car. On the road, we made three different stop in order to visit lovely places :
  •  Frederiskborg and Roskild
Rederiskvan, 24th February, Pauline

Frederiskborg, 24th February, Matthieu
 We arrived at 7:15am. After eating, we gone on Christiania, a free neighborhood in Copenhagen. It is a special place which does not belong to European Union.  There reigns a special atmosphere, especially at night. Small streets, illuminated by lights old barrels around which passengers come to warm themselves. After that, we came to a communal Youth Hostel : Sleep'in Heaven were there was other French from VIA University. We slept at 9 by dormitories for 17€ per person.

Sleep'in Heaven, 24th February,Pauline
 Saturday :

 I lived early in a morning to visit a maximum that possible. I began with a National museum, a very big and interesting place about the history of Denmark... and it is free ! I spent 3hours on different periods of a country. It is a very interesting place. I have learn a lot about Danish history, habits, culture ans politic choices.

Then, I went to Christiansborg castle, just in front of the National museum. It was the residence of Royal family until some years. Now, it is a prime minister house but also supreme courses and Danish parliament. The entrance is 60DKK for student. The building is furnished like as the Royal period and we can notice beautiful parquet and colors of tapestry.
Christiansborg castle, 25th February, Pauline

Vor Frelsers Kirke, 25th February, Pauline

After that, I was very angry, so after work around the building, I found a restaurant in Christianshavn.Then, I went to Vor Frelsers Kirke, a church which bring a tower to access to a view of a city. Unfortunately, it was close until April.

 So I continued my walking in different street and come back to Christiania by day. The experience is different. There is a lot of people, especially tourist, and we really see the aspect of a street. It looks a little like a neighborhood to leave himself. Clean but without road maintenance... Cars are banned and nature begin to recover this right on asphalts.

Christiania, 25th February, Pauline

I continued to walk around the canals, until joining The Play House, a large modern building. On returning to the Youth Hostel, I went through the Royal Theater, the current residence of the queen, Nhyavn : the most famous street of Copenhagen with houses of all colors along a canal bordered by sailboat. Then continued through the pedestrian streets and lively downtown. Many street artists of quality accompanied allow passersby to different styles of music.

City center, Nyhavn, Old stock exchange, ..., 25th February, Pauline


I lived the Hostel around 10am and I went to take a breakfast in a Danish coffee. It was very very very tasty ! Then I had visited the Rosenborg castle. It was a summer residency of a Royal family. Now, we can visited. The decor is very busy and I think it is not very interesting. On the other hand, there is a Royal Treasure exposition in a same place and this is to see. Then, I had profited of a big garden close to the castle. I had the opportunity to see the changing of the Guard.

Changing of the Guard, 26th February, Pauline
Rosenborg castle, 26th February, Pauline
After than, I went to botanic garden. The entrance is free and it is a very big garden with a greenhouse and a lot of tropical species. I finished the afternoon by a Rundetaarn, a tower which permit to see all the city for 25DKK.
City center, Botanic garden, Lego shop, Rundetaarn, 26th February, Pauline

Sunday 26 February 2012

A day in Aarhus

This Saturday, I (Eric) traveled to Aarhus, the second city in Denmark, with three friends.
We took the bus in Horsens, the morning. The price was 60 danish couronnes (8 euros), to cross the 40 km separating the two cities.
in the street
When we arrives to Aarhus, we began to walk in the down town. There is a very nice channel crossing the city, like you can see in the picture.  

Aarhus channel
We visited the largest cathedral in Denmark, Aarhus Domkirke. We were pleasantly surprised when the receptionist told us in French. In the building, we saw a lot tomb of Danish king. When we was in the cathedral, we heart a strange noise coming from outside. I thank it was the wind, my friends thank it was the birds. But it was just a group of young girls, who were waiting for a Justin Bieber concert. Just after, we saw a manifestation of the anonymous, a group of people.It was very funny, because there had a mask, and this people was very strange. 
anonymous manifestation
After we arrived to the external modern art museum. We saw very strange and funny pieces. We not visited the indoor, because it was a very sunny day, and we preferred stay outside.

Art modern museum
outside museum
outside museum
In the end of the afternoon, we brank a beer in a nice pub, and we ate. Danish use very often the buffet : for 60 Danish couronnes, you have a lot of food at pleasure !! 

At the night, we returned in Horsens by train. We were very tires, because in the day, we walked maybe 15 km. 

It was a very good day for us !

Saturday 25 February 2012


Today, I ( Johanna ) went to Silkeborg and the lake region with some esaipiens of Angers. Silkeborg is located in the middle of the tip of Denmark, a little above the city of Horsens.

Localisation of Silkeborg

In this area, we could see many lakes lined with large forests, and in this time of year, ice is still there on the 
surface of water.

Frozen Lake
Anne-Sophie, Lysiane, Maëva ( from Angers ) and  me

After walking around the lakes, we went in the highest point of Denmark ( 173 meters above the sea level ) at 16 kilometers of Silkeborg. At the top of Mount Himmelbjerget, we can enjoy a magnificient view over the landscapes of this area.

A brick tower to commemorate the Danish Constitution
View of Mount Himmelbjerget

Me in front of the landscape of the lake region

Sunday 19 February 2012

A walk in the beach

Today with, me (Eric), my roommate (ayoub) and a neighbor girl, we went for a walk, in the beach, just near our campus. It was a sunny day, but the wind blowed very very hard, and we were very cold.
I was very surprised to see a very savage landscape just near Horsens. And before today, I never saw duck in the sea ! We saw a lot of nice Danish fishing house, just in front of the sea. The beach was covered by a lot of molds. There is ice on the sea, and we walked on. I think it's the last week we can make it, because the time begin most hot, and ice melt very fast.

Some pictures....

The Fjord's entrance

Dannish houses

A lot of molds in the beach

Saturday 18 February 2012

A Saturday in Aarhus

 Today, with Eric and some esaipiens of Angers, I ( Johanna ) went to Aarhus. First of all, we began to visit ARoS Art Museum of Aarhus which we could see many strange rooms with many colors. Furthermore, at the top of the building, we could see a beautiful rainbow panorama on the city of Aarhus.

ARoS Art Museum Aarhus

Eric and Me
Rainbow Panorama


After to do the museum, we went in the center of Aarhus and we walked in the streets where we saw a beautiful cathedral with a gothic architecture.

Beautiful street in Aarhus
Model of Aarhus Cathedral

The real Aarhus Cathedral


Today, I (Pauline) went to Aarhus with Margaux, Anthony, Romain (from ESAIP Grasse) and Elisa (French student in mechanic). It is a city bigger than Horsens, 20 minutes on the north. We have visited the Art museum which was very interesting and eclectic (4 floors so 4 different ambiances). Then, we were very hungry, so we find a typical Danish restaurant : Raadhuus Kafféen. We can't exactly explain what there was in our plate but that was good. After that, we visited the down town and then we came back to Horsens. The center of Aarhus is a very nice place with a lot of canals, bars... This is a very quiet place.

Kvindmuseet, Aarhus, 18th February, Pauline

Aarhus, 18th February, Pauline

Aboulevarden, Aarhus, 18th February, Pauline
Aboulevarden, Aarhus, 18th February, Pauline

Aboulevarden, Aarhus, 18th February, Pauline

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Horsens fjord

This afternoon, after lessons, we went Margaux, Camille, Romain and me (Pauline) for a walk along the Norrestrand Fjord behind the school. It was a sunny day so ice was melting. Maybe in March or April we will take a pic-nic here because there is a long walk to go around.
Norrestrand Fjord, Horsens, 15th Ferbruary, Pauline

Norrestrand Fjord, Horens, 15th Ferbruary, Pauline

Sunday 12 February 2012

Frozen sea

Today, with all students of ESAIP Grasse school, we went to see the frozen sea and it was a fabulous show with blue sky and sunny weather. Of course, temperature are very low but it was really beautiful.


On this photography, miss Margaux, Anthony and Julien.

Saturday 11 February 2012


        This afternoon, we have visited Horsens downtown. It is a typical Danish town. Squared as American model, streets are bordered by little houses made with red bricks. In front of them, we can see bicycles for all the family. Below, there is some photos about this excursion.
Kloster kirke, Horsens, Denmark

Kloster Kirke is a little church near Kamtjatka residence. It is made to with red bricks.

Friday 10 February 2012

Introduction week

Introduction week :

Between the 6th and the 10th February, we participated at the introduction week. The main objective was to enjoy and help students to speak and know other nationalities. Differents teams were composed by news Erasmus students like us. Eric and Johanna were in team 14, and Pauline in team 12.
Differents activities were offered in classrooms, and each team had one or two tutors. Each game get points for the team, in relation with his performance. At the end, the best team win the integration week. Team 12 finished first, and the team 14 second.

A bingo bango has been organized to, with many gifts we could get.
This week was very funny, and created a real team spirit between students.

The team 14 (Eric and Johanna)

Monday 6 February 2012

VIA University

              Presentation of our University

VIA University college is the largest university college in Denmark. The headquartered is in Aarhus, but we are in the Horsens site. In this place, there are nearly 2800 students of 40 nationality. This campus is very recent, really esthetic, and very well adapted to student life. In fact, many students flat are across of university, and there in a student bar, a career center...
There are a lot of different programs, like architecture, mechanical engineering, and we are in civil engineering.

All the ESAIP students take the same courses. We have :
- water supply: it's the study of the groundwater quality
- soil contamination : we study the polluant in soil, the rocks...
- sustainable energy : we work on the geothermal energy
- waste water treatment : the treatment of the water that  we will drink
- statistic : mathematics exercices, courses

we have english courses, two times by week. In fact, we have to improve our english if we want to have a good communication